Building Economic Resilience
& Connecting ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs with Australia

A project funded by Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through Australia-ASEAN Council and implemented through Deakin Business School, Deakin University with multi-country and multisectoral partners.

Our ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs

“Women empowerment is not an incidental purpose but an intentional one, and the impact has a multiplier effect. Empowering women is not just about gender equality, but it also has a positive impact on economic growth and social development. The women that this program was able to convene have been creating impact in their communities for years and will continue to do so through and because of the lessons and networks they have received from the program. It is an honor to be part of this amazing program that catalyzes and expands impact.”

Reese Fernandez-Ruiz, Rags2Riches (R2R)

“Assisting inspiring Papuan women entrepreneurs through this project makes me come to the realisation on how important to have a community of like-minded individuals. It is amazing how everyone in this project encouraged each other, so what we thought as impossible before now become more feasible!”

Ratih Eka Pertiwi, Noken Papua

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